Syrian Revolution Digest, April 1 & 2, 2011

In Homs security raided the neighborhoods of Al-Bayadeh, Al-Khaldiyyeh, Dier Baalbah and Hayy Al-Sabeel, places that reportedly witnessed bloody attacks by security forces on the previous night. Witnesses say security forces broke into houses and took men away and loaded them in busses. Inhabitants burnt tires in the streets and threw stones at the police, eventually forcing them to retreat, but not before they took away dozens of protesters. The inhabitants of these neighborhoods are linked to Bedouins tribes. Unrest was also reported in nearby villages and towns.
In Deraa City people chanted: “We demanded reforms, they gave us the gun. There are no gangs in Horan nor treason nor conspiracies. We listened to the speeches, there were not on par with demands. Enough promises, assertions and stalling for time. Our demands and principles call for lifting of the state of emergency. Enough cruelty and barbarism by the security apparatuses…”
In a 400-word article in Al-Thawrah, author Ali Nasrallah wrote: “If our people, thanks to our national consciousness, were able to reveal the truth that what happened during the past few days was more than just slogans raised here and there and that were exploited to create chaos and sedition projects, then the coming step must not be confined to thwarting and foiling these projects. Rather, we must kill these projects before they are born and learn from the experience what makes us all together achieve success in deterring the alternatives projects that will be proposed.
Many of the videos below cover events that took place on April 1st. The videos from Banyas are from April 2.
From Social Media Networks
Damascus and Damascus Suburbs
Video shows security forces fleeing in front of the protesters
Video1 of fallen protesters in Douma, video 2
Video of protesters in Douma showing the tear gas fired at them
Video shows the break-up of Douma protest on Saturday night with sticks and electric batons
Full Video of the demonstration at Rifai mosque in Kafar-Soosa (Damascus)
Video shows armed men with sticks and threatening worshipers as they were exiting the Rifai mosque after Friday prayer.
Video of protesters singing the national anthem after exiting the Rifai mosque after Friday prayer.
Video shows the death moment of Dia’a Al-Shammari shot by the Syrian army
Video of touching chants in Daraa
Video shows the death moment of Dr. Ali Ghassab Almahamid
Video of Nawa demonstrations on Friday
New video of the dead and the injured at the Omari Mosque
Video of demonstrations
Video shows security forces fleeing in front of thousands of protesters after security forces shot tear gas on protesters
Video of Samer Hoairi’s funeral in Talbiseh
Video of shooting live bullets on protesters in Homs today, Video 2
Video of men beating up a protest, and fleeing at the arrival of other protesters to the rescue him
Der Al-Zour
Video of tFriday protest in the city of Qouria
Another Video from Qouria town
Video of the people in Qouria city chanting for freedom
Video “The ironical Syrian Parliament” from the Youth of Slaybiyeh
New video of demonstrations Banyas on Friday and reproach to the people of Aleppo
Video of protesters in Banyas
Video of a message from Syrian young man from Banyas to the media and the Syrian regime
Video shows the beginning of the night strike and the chants supporting Daraa
Video1 “No Humiliation to Arab-Kurdish” from the protesters in A’amouda on Friday Video2
Video of a demonstration of solidarity with the Syrian revolution in Jordan on Saturday, April 2
United Kingdom
Video of a demonstration of solidarity with the Syrian Revolution in London
Video of a demonstration of Syrians in Sweden
Video of Syrians’ speech in Frankfurt
Press and TV Coverage
BBC Report about Washington condemning violence against demonstrators against the Syrian government
Al-Jazeera, Mr. Haitham Maleh on Friday defeating official accounts of dead protesters
on Al-Jazeera, intervention of Mr. Haitham Maleh about Assad’s speech
Al-Jazeera report about the ‘Friday of Fallen Heroes’
On BBC, an intervention of a doctor and an eyewitness in Daraa
BBC report about the Friday of fallen heroes
Al-Jazeera report about Syrian regime’s arresting raid on Saturday, April 2
on Alhurra channel, Intervention of Sheikh Ahmed Alsayasnah on Saturday, April 2