Syrian Revolution Digest, April 8, 2011

Most major Syrian cities and town, and many smaller ones, witnesses major protests today, with estimated tens of thousands of people taking to the streets today to demand freedom . At first things seemed to be going calmly, until security began trying to break up the protests using tear gas then life ammunition, leading to major casualties in Deraa, Homs, Lattakia, and Harasta.
Meanwhile, and rather than taking a conciliatory tone, the Ministry of Interior issued a statement that, after touting the traditional line of infiltrators, agitators and foreign conspirators, stated that “there is no longer any room for complacency or tolerance in regard to the application of law, safeguarding the security of the homeland and its citizens, and protecting the general order.” A statement that had observers wonder where in the past weeks the regime had shown “tolerance” or “complacency” towards the protesters, taking into consideration that according to estimates close to 200 protesters have been killed so far.
Deraa: The protests began peacefully after noon prayers, as protesters held up in Omari Mosque marched out, and protesters who gathered overnight in the nearby Saraya Square marched to meet them. Security forces tried to disperse the crowds first by using tear gas then by shooting directly into them killing 8 wounding dozens. Security forces then withdrew to the entrances of the City in an attempt to prevent arrival of the crowds from neighboring cities, but before they did 2000 motorcycles, each carrying 3 protesters, arrived into the city. The protesters immediately burned posters of Bashar Assad as well as a statue of Bassil Assad, Bashar’s late brother.
At this stage, according to witnesses, security forces arrived and began firing at the protesters, causing many fatalities. Meanwhile, a group of protesters tried to storm the headquarters of the political security apparatus but were met with heavy gunfire that reportedly left dozens of dead. The figures are still murky, exact numbers are hard to obtain.
Earlier reports of army officers defecting seem now to refer to a small number of officers. Still, the phenomenon seems to have been noticeable enough for Syrian authorities to feel the need to call for backup from the so far calm Suweida Governorate, where the 5th Division is stationed. The troops arrived in time to take part in the second wave of crackdown that took place after the Afternoon prayers.
There is at least one confirmed report of an army officer getting shot by security for refusing to open fire on protesters. A number of eyewitnesses told this story with consistency in details. Other towns and cities in the Deraa Governorate (AKA the Horan Province), including Jassem, Hara, Nawa and Sanamein witnessed major demonstrations of their own, but things seem to have gone more peacefully there, at least until people decided to send backup to help the inhabitants of Deraa City, the provincial capital.
Homs: over 100,000 protesters marched through different parts of Homs today, and had it not been for security barricades preventing people from coming from out of town, and shutting down certain neighborhoods, the number would have been even higher. Protesters emerged after the Noon prayers from Mosques and alleys in Al-Bayyadah, Insha’at, Rashidi Mosque and other areas. The nearby town of Hawleh also witnessed major protests as it continues to be under effective military blockade. Security officers tried to disperse the crowd by using teargas, water cannons, then, by live rounds into the crowd. May fatalities have been reported, 2 have been confirmed. But figures will likely be revised upward tomorrow.
Qamishly: the participation by Kurds in Friday’s protests, the largest so far, comes less than 24 hours after Assad announced a decree granting Syrian citizenship to denaturalized Kurds. There are an estimated 300,000 denaturalized Kurds, and it’s not clear yet if citizenship will be granted to all of them, since official estimates put the number at 75,000-100,000. Kurds in other cities, especially Amoudeh, also made their sentiments felt: they’re interested in freedom, not just nationality, as many of the banner they carried said.
From Social Media Networks
Demonstrations in Deraa with tens of thousands participants
Video of a killed protester near the Omari Mosque.
Video shows cases of tear gas suffocation at Al-Omari Mosque
Video shows snipers shooting at demonstrators trying to aid some of the injured
Video from the National Hospital in Deraa and wounded in today’s demonstrations, video 2
Video of the convoys of Fallen Heroes from the Omari mosque and the National Hospital Video 1, Vid2, Vid3, Vid4, Vid5, Vid6, Vid7, Vid8, Vid9, Vid10, Vid11, Vid12
Video shows shooting tear gas and live bullets at protesters
Video of a demonstration in Bab Amr chanting “The people want to topple the regime”
Video: demonstration of the people of the Wa’ar
Video: demonstration of the people of Bab Alsiba’a
Video of a demonstration in Homs while people chanted asking Assad to send the army to the Golan instead of opening fire on demonstrators
Video shows wounded in a demonstration of Homs
Short video shows the intensity of shooting on unarmed demonstrators
Video shows the intensity of shooting on unarmed demonstrators in Homs, Video 2
Video shows a demonstration of the people of Albukamal demanding freedom
Harasta (Damascus suburbs)
Video of Harasta demonstrate with the chant “the Syrian people won’t be humiliated”, Video 2
Video of a huge demonstration chanting “the people want to topple the regime”, Video 2
Video of demo with slogans insisting on the unity of the Syrian people, vid2, vid3, vid4
Video: demo of the people of A’amouda declaring they joined the revolution
Video: demonstrations of Lattakia and slogans of solidarity with the Fallen Heroes, Video 2
Video of the demonstration of Al-Tabiyat district and insistence on the demands of freedom
Video: Demo of Al-Saliba district and slogan “Unity for the Syrian people”, Vid2, Vid3, Vid4
Video of the strike at Saliba district of Lattakia
Video of a huge demonstration of the people of Banyas with the slogan of solidarity with the people of Deraa and the insistence on the demands of Freedom Video 2, Video 3, Video 4
Al-Tall (Damascus suburbs)
Video of the demo of the people of Al-Tall and the slogan “the Syrian people are united”
Video of the demonstration of Jassem people with the slogan of “The people want to topple the regime”, Video 2
Scene of the gathering of thousands of people of Jassem chanted for freedom
Video of the demonstration at Al-Rifai mosque and slogans of freedom
Video shows the security forces arresting the demonstrators near Al-Rifai Mosque
Video of demo in solidarity with the Fallen Heroes in various parts of Syria
Douma (Damascus suburbs)
Video of a huge demonstration in Douma in solidarity with the Fallen Heroes in various parts of Syria, Video 2
Video of shooting at demonstrators in Douma
Video of partial speech performed a wounded demonstrator in Douma
Video, demonstration of Hama with the chant “the Syrian people won’t be traded”
Video of hundreds of people demonstrating in Hama in solidarity with the people of Deraa, video 2, video 3, video 4, video 5, video 6
Daraya & Moadamieh (Damascus suburbs)
Video of thousands demonstrating in Darya chanting for freedom, Video 2, Video 3
Deir Al-Zour
Video of the youth demo in Deir Al-Zour, which was launched from Uthman ibn Affan mosque
Video arresting one of the protesters after a loss of consciousness due to severe beating
Video of the mass arrests among the protesters
Video showing the participation of Alkuswah people in the Syrian Revolution, Video 2
Video of demo mocking the Syrian Parliament
Video of Saraqeb people chanting for freedom and in solidarity with the Fallen Heroes
Mount Alzawyeh (Idleb)
Video demonstration of the youth of Alzawyeh chanting for freedom
This digest was produced in cooperation with Kafa Samtan and the Strategic Research and Communication Centre.
Damascus Bureau is not responsible for external links.