Syrian Revolution Digest, April 4, 2011

As Douma set about burying its martyrs, condoled by thousands of supporters pouring from nearby suburbs, arrests continue to mount in Homs and Deraa. Douma witnessed massive funeral marches in support of the protesters killed last Friday, with inhabitants of nearby suburbs showing up to show their support.
Meanwhile, a new Governor was appointed in Deraa, a retired Lieutenant General by the name of Muhammad Khalid Al-Hannous. Al-Hannous is originally from Hama, but spent most of his military service in Deraa.
As for Lattakia, there are reports of major outreach efforts between members of the Murshidiyyah, an Alawite sect with its own separate religious institutions, and Lattakia Sunni notables, in an attempt to bring the tense situation in the city under control.
From Social Media Networks
Full video of funeral in Douma Video 1, Vid2, Vid3, Vid4, Vid5, Vid6, Vid7
Video of the collective consolation for the killed protesters and thousands of mourners
Video: the declaration of mourning for three days to mourn the killed protesters of Douma
Video of sniper fire on protesters in Homs
Video shows one the snipers located on the roof of a government building
Video of security men attacking an injured demonstrator and beating him up severely
New video of arrests in the neighborhood of Khaldiya – Homs
Video released today of taking down a picture of a Bashar, and throwing shoes on it while loud chanting against Bashar
New video of last Friday’s demonstrations
Video of the funeral of Samer Hoairi in Talbiseh
Kafar Sousa
Video shows siege of Al Rifai Mosque by the security forces
Video of demonstration in Alkuswa (Damascus Suburbs)
Video, funeral of Mohammed Najdat Al Zoubi in Almusefra village
New video of Daraa
United Kingdom
New Video of London demonstrations Video 1, Video 2
Media and Press Coverage
BBC, Intervention of human rights activist Haytham Manna commenting on the revolution
US encourage its citizens to leave Syria
This digest is produced in cooperation with Kafa Samtan and the Strategic Research and Communication Center .
Damascus Bureau is not responsible for the content of external links.