Syrian Revolution Digest, April 1, 2011

Protests against the regime in Syria continued, yet there was rather little media coverage by international or regional media. Due to strict access control by the government , foreign correspondents in Syria are often kept out of the loop. Arab and regional satellite stations mainly rely on footage distributed through social media channels. The selection below only represents a small sampling of the videos uploaded to Youtube and other channels in the past days.
From Social Media Networks
Video shows Syrian military blockade around Daraa and Sanamain towns, video2, video3
Video shows military blockade around Sanamain preventing protesters to join forces, video2
Video showing shooting in Daraa
Video showing snipers on the roof top of Daraa Mayor’s house
Video shows those killed in Daraa
Video of mass protests in Inkhel and chants of “the people and the army are one hand”
Video of protests in Daraa
Video of mass protests in Daraa and surrounding villages determined to break through military blockades: video2, video3, video4, video5, video6
Video of those killed and wounded in the city of Jasem in Daraa province: video2, video3, video4
Video of military blockade between Inkhel and Sanamain
Video of shooting faced by protesters in Inkhel and Sanamain: video2
Video of a wounded child in Sanamain today
Damascus and Suburbs
Video of taking down of Bashar’s portrait in a protest on “Martyrs’ Friday”
Video1 of mass protests at Al-Refai Mosque in Kafarsouse with freedom chants: , video2, video3, video4, video5
Video of a protest in Douma (Damascus suburb) with chants of: Allah, Syria, Freedom only
Video of a protest in Douma shows heaving shooting at protesters, video2
Video of those killed and wounded after protesters were attacked in Douma
Video of protesters attacked by security forces in Barzeh (Damascus suburbs)
Video of a protest in Douma shows repression of protesters, video2, video3, video4, video5
Video of a dead protester in Douma, video2
Video shows regime supporters attacking protesters in Daraya (Damascus suburbs)
Video of tear gas fired at protesters in Douma
Video of a sit-in demo in Lattakia with chants of “pathetic and sick is the People’s Parliament”
Video of mass protests in Lattakia with chants “the people, the army are one hand”: video2, video3, video4, video5
Video of a massive protest in Homs with “freedom only” chants
Video1 of mass protests in Homs confirming fear is not in the hearts of protesters anymore, video2
Video shows cases of suffocation in Homs as a result of tear gas being fired
Video of violent dispersion of protesters in Homs
Video of a protest in Albayada neighborhood in Homs with chants of solidarity with Daraa
Video of a massive protest in Kafarnabl in Idlib province: video2, video3
Video of a protest in Hama and the shouts for freedom
Video of a protest in Baniya and thousands of residents participating, video2
Video of a protest in Amouda in solidarity to the people of Daraa and other provinces
Video of continued protests until the evening of Friday in the city of Jableh
Der Azzor
Video of mass protests in Deir Azzor emphasizing the demand for freedom
Video of mass protest in Qamishli emphasizing the unity of the Syrian people: video2, video3, video4, video5, video6
Video of protests in Greece in solidarity with the Syrian people in the revolt against oppression, corruption on the “Martyrs’ Friday”: video2, video3, video4, video5, video6, video7
Video of protests by Syrians in Cyprus with chants “traitor if the one who kills his people”
Some TV and Press Coverage
Al-Quds Al-Arabi article analyzing Assad’s speech
Video of Mr. Haitham Almaleh addressing the Syrian Revolution youth
Alarabiya Beirut Studio program regarding the situation in Syria: video1, video2
Human Rights Watch Report on Assad speech
Alarabia news report on sit-in protest in Lattakia
Analysis of Dr. Abdelrazaq Eid on Assad speech
France 24 report on updates in Syria
Call-in of Mr. Fateh Jamous from the Communist Labor Party about Lattakia protest
Al-Hayat newspaper report on Assad speech
BBC Report on the morning of “Martyrs’ Friday”
Alarabia channel report on “Friday of Martyrs” protests