Syrian Revolution Digest, April 11, 2011

Today in Damascus: a small protest of 200 students broke out on the campus of the College of Sciences in Damascus. Some say that the protests were triggered by assaults by two men, who later turned up to be policemen, on veiled female students and ripping off their veils, in an act reminiscent of what security forces did in the 1980s. Others say that the protests and the attacks on veiled students are unrelated, although both are confirmed to have taken place by eyewitness accounts. Security forces managed to disperse the protesters rapidly, but reports say they beat one protester to death their batons.
Violent crackdown championed by security forces seems to be fomenting some individual acts of dissension among army troops, and testing their loyalties. Reports have been confirmed that some executions have indeed taken place in the ranks of the army when some officers refused to shoot at protesters.
Among the army officers known to have been killed is Lieutenant Rami Qattash from Aleppo for refusing to fire on protesters, as well as Lieutenant Mourad Hajjo from Madaya Town near Damascus. Hajjo had informed his parent that if he was called for duty and ordered to open fire on protesters he would refused to do so. Upon receiving his body this afternoon, his family and the local community rose up and marched in the streets protesting.
From Social Networking Websites
Video of an attack on the killed and wounded demonstrators
Video of regime security elements beating and dragging bodies in the streets
Video showing security elements, in their formal uniform, shooting demonstrators and chasing them between alleys
Video of the arrival of victims to the National hospital in Deraa
Video of the sit-in of the people of Dael and Ibtih in thousands, and calls of Death or no humiliation
Teseel, Horan
Video of the demonstration at the funeral of Mowafak Dakhl Allah
Video of the chanting of Horan’s children aspiring to freedom and denouncing the regime
Video of one of the military barricades that tears Horan valley apart
Demonstration of Damascus university students in the college of Sciences demanding freedom and supporting the youth of the Syrian revolution across Syria, Video1, Video2, Video3, Video4, Video5, Video6, Video7, Video8
Video of a demo in Damascus and chants against Maher Assad and Rami Makhlouf
Mouaddameya (Damascus suburbs)
Footage of the night sit-in Sunday and chants demanding lifting the siege off Syrian cities Video1, Video2, Video3, Video4
Douma (Damascus suburbs)
Video for a new demonstration in Douma led by one of the wounded, to stress the demands of the Syrian people
Video from Baniyas
Video of the demonstration of Egypt’s youth supporting the youth of Syria and denouncing Bashar Assad
Selection of Press Reports
Report about the Kuwaiti members parliament condemning the violene against the protesters in Syria
Aljazeera report about the deaths in Baniyas and the international condemnation
France 24 report on interview with Haitham Manaa about the future of the Syrian revolution
Levant News report on the execution of Syrian army soldiers for their refusal to shoot demonstrators
Report about the international condemnations of suppressing demonstrators in Syria
Aljazeera report about the demonstration of the students of Damascus and
Aljazeera report about the credibility of the Baath party in giving up the emergency law
Amnesty International report about the increase of the number of protests victims in Syria
Selection of TV Coverage
BBC interview of Fedaa Al-Sayed
BBC interview with Bashar Essa talking about the events of the Syrian revolution
Video showing torture marks on the body of a man who had been arrested and released recently
France 24 report about the 25th day of the Syrian revolution
Video for an eye witness about the assassination of soldiers and officers who refused to shoot demonstrators
Aljazeera report on political prisoners in Syria
Alarabiya report on the city of Baniyas
Video of the testimony of a man wounded in Douma on the Syrian television
This digest was produced in cooperation with Kafa Samtan and the Strategic Research and Communication Centre.
Damascus Bureau is not responsible for the content of external links.